Highfields Archive

Highfields Centre – New Spaces Opening Event (June 2018)

Originally created: 2018

Highfields Centre – New Spaces Opening Event (June 2018) – see the highlights from our New Spaces Opening Event held on 22nd June 2018, with Professor Gus John’s reference to: What this place represents, especially in Highfields and given its demography, in terms of ethnicity, age spread, levels of deprivation, lack of opportunities – this represents a powerhouse of community actions and community responses where people take charge of their own destiny and organise themselves in order to better their lives and improve their circumstances. Fundamentally, it is the power of the people – when people organise themselves around their interests and the issues that affect their lives and can hold elected bodies to account, it is then that we begin to see change, it is then that we begin to see an executive not super imposing itself upon people, but acting and propagating laws, etc that actually reflect the needs of the people and the kind of society we want to build.

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