FAB-L (Fashion workers Advice Bureau-Leicester) welcomes the Low Pay Commission’s report on the Leicester textiles sector which was published today.
We applaud their starting point question of ‘why have concerted efforts by enforcement bodies found relatively modest non-compliance in Leicester, when other bodies and individuals we spoke to believe it to be widespread and flagrant?’ and their recognition of the ‘reluctance of workers to make a complaint or provide intelligence to enforcement officers is a problem for enforcement activity.’
We support their finding that ‘Bodies that workers trust – such as trade unions and charities – have an important part to play in identifying and reporting abuses.’
We are particularly delighted by their confirmation that ‘the most tangible outcome of this work to date has been investment in a team of dedicated community workers offering advice and support to textiles workers, the Fashion Workers Advice Bureau Leicester (FAB-L).’
In view of their concluding statement that ‘It is clear that the reporting process as currently constituted does not work for low-paid workers such as those we met in Leicester. There is a fundamental lack of confidence in the process’, it is imperative to ensure the positive developments effected in Leicester (including the setting up of FAB-L) are not just maintained but built upon, so more fashion workers can access this highly valued service.
The full report can be found on this link: National Minimum Wage (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Below are other articles that comment on the Low Pay Commission’s report.